Welcome to the Great Plains Regional Herbarium Network
The Great Plains Regional Herbarium Network brings together information from herbaria in the Canadian provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan and the U.S. states of Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota. It offers multiple resources for learning more about the plants of the region whether as a student, researcher, or member of the public. As part of the SEINet Herbarium Network, specimens from herbaria outside of this region can also be found in this portal.
The region includes most of the land from east of the Rocky Mountains to the western edge of the eastern forests. The climate is continental with warm summers and cold winters. Precipitation decreases from east to west, and mostly occurs during the growing season. Prolonged periods with reduced precipitation are not unusual. The vegetation generally ranges from short grass prairies in the west to mixed grass and tall grass prairies as one moves eastward. Forest species from the east and west meet in the valley of the Niobrara River in Nebraska and the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Much of the land area in the eastern portion of the region has been cultivated. Large areas of previously uncultivated areas in the western portion are now facing disturbance by mineral or fossil fuel extraction and conversion of grassland to cropland.
Visit regularly to learn about your favorite plant or favorite part of the Great Plains. This site is brought to you in collaboration with the SEINet Herbarium Network. When you search this portal, or any of the other SEINet portal partners, you are getting results from our one central database. The SEINet portal network contains 24 million records from over 450 collections. Send feedback to mark.gabel<at>bhsu.edu or to the Symbiota Support Hub at help@symbiota.org.