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Consortium of Great Plains Herbaria

Montana State University - 1. NRSM 350 COMPLETE LIST

Includes taxa from following child checklists:
Montana State University - 1. NRSM350 - Sandhills

Families: 50.
Genera: 133.
Species: 197.
Total Taxa: 200.

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Rocky Mountain Maple, PNC
yucca, PNE
skunkbrush sumac, PNC
big bluestem, PNW
sand bluestem, PNW
silver bluestem, PNW
tanglehead, PNW
little bluestem, PNW
yellow Indiangrass, PNW
western yarrow, PNC
silver sagebrush, PNE
sand sagebrush, PNW
fringed sagebrush, PNC
cudweed sagewort, PNW
black sagebrush, PNE
big sagebrush, PNE
three-tip sage, PNE
waterhemlock, PNC
annual threeawn, ANW
red threeawn, PNW
annual snakeweed, PNW
green rabbitbrush, PNW
rubber rabbitbrush, PNW
curlycup gumweed, PNW
broom snakeweed, PNW
hairy goldenaster, PNW
prairie goldenrod, PNW
slender oats, AIC
wild oats, AIC
spikeoat, PNC
tufted hairgrass, PNC
prairie junegrass, PNC
alpine timothy, PNC
timothy, PIC
spike trisetum, PNC
Oregongrape, PNE
tansymustard, ANC
desert princesplum, PNC
mountain brome, PNC
ripgut brome, AIC
soft brome, AIC
smooth brome, PIC
cheatgrass, AIC
spiny hackberry, PNW
elderberry, PNC
snowberry, PNC
fourwing saltbush, PNE
Gardner saltbush, PNE
spiny hopsage, PNW
halogeton, AIW
greenmolly summer cypress, PNW
kochia, AIW
russian thistle, AIW
False dandelion, PNC
St.Johns wort, PIW
red-osier dogwood, PNC
one-seed juniper, PNE
utah juniper, PNE
Rocky Mountain Juniper, PNE
sideoats grama, PNW
buffalograss, PNW
black grama, PNW
blue grama, PNW
hairy grama, PNW
slender grama, PNW
bermudagrass, PIW
bermudagrass, PIW
curlymesquite, PNW
galleta, PNW
tobosa grass, PNW
prairie cordgrass, PNW
threadleaf sedge, PNC
elk sedge, PNC
california oatgrass, PNC
timber oatgrass, PNC
Parry oatgrass, PNC
buffaloberry, PNC
mormon tea, PNE
pine dropseed, PNW
prairie sandreed, PNW
saltgrass, PNW
weeping lovegrass, PIW
sand lovegrass, PNW
green sprangletop, PNW
mountain muhly, PNW
bush muhly, PNW
sandhills muhly, PNW
ring muhlly, PNW
blowout grass, PNW
alkali sacaton, PNW
tall dropseed, PNW
sand dropseed, PNW
huckleberry, PNC
dotted gayfeather, PNW
guajillo, PNW
huisache, PNW
catclaw, PNW
blackbrush, PNW
leadplant, PNW
woolly milkvetch, PNC
purple prairie clover, PNW
lupine, PNC
burclover, AIC
plains loco, PNC
purple pointloco, PNC
honey mesquite, PNW
slimflower scurfpea, PNW
gambel oak, PNC
blackjack oak, PNW
postoak, PNW
crane's bill, AIC
Richardson geranium, PNW
wax currant, PNC
triangle bursage, PNC
white bursage, PNW
western ragweed, PNW
desert marigold, PNW
arrowleaf balsamroot, PNC
tarbush, PNE
orange sneezeweed, PNW
bitterweed, ANC
prairie coneflower, PNW
little ratany, PNC
death camas, PNC
scarlet globemallow, PNW
oniongrass, PNC
arizona cottontop, PNW
vinemesquite, PNW
switchgrass, PNW
bristlegrass, PNW
pinyon pine, PNE
single-leaf pinyon pine, PNE
blue penstemon, PNC
orchardgrass, PIC
rough fescue, PNC
Idaho fescue, PNC
muttongrass, PNC
Kentucky bluegrass, PIC
Sandberg bluegrass, PNC
six-weeks fescue, ANC
wild buckwheat, PNC
tall larkspur, PNW
wedgeleaf buckbrush, PNW
Fendler ceanothus, PNW
snowbrush, PNE
serviceberry, PNC
curlleaf mountain mahogany, PNE
birchleaf mountain mahogany, PNC
blackbrush, PNW
shrubby cinquefoil, PNC
apache plume, PNC
oceanspray, PNC
chokecherry, PNC
Mexican cliffrose, PNE
antelope bitterbrush, PNE
wildrose, PNC
quaking aspen, PNC
heartleaf arnica, PNC
threadleaf groundsel, PNW
sawtooth butterweed, PNW
gray horsebrush, PNW
Indian ricegrass, PNC
Columbia needlegrass, PNC
Thurber needlegrass, PNC
needle and thread, PNC
Texas needlegrass, PNC
purple needlegrass, PNC
green needlegrass, PNC
crested wheatgrass, PIC
Canada wildrye, PNC
bottlebrush squirreltail, PNC
thickspike wheatgrass PNC
slender wheatgrass, PNC
foxtail barley, PNC
little barley, ANC
basin wildrye, PNC
western wheatgrass, PNC
bluebunch wheatgrass, PNC
intermediate wheatgrass, PIC
creosote bush, PNE
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